What is the Bail Amount for Domestic Violence in CA

You must secure your release as soon as possible if you have been arrested for domestic battery, domestic assault, or domestic violence. There are various ways to get out of jail if you have been arrested for domestic violence in California. Posting bail is undoubtedly the fastest way to secure your release from jail. Understanding how California courts determine San Diego bail bonds for domestic violence will be handy when you need to post bail quickly. So, read on to understand everything you should know regarding the cost of bail for domestic violence.

What Exactly is Domestic Violence?

Before we discuss how bail for domestic violence is set, it is essential to understand what qualifies as domestic violence in California. Like everyone else, you probably assume domestic violence only refers to a physical altercation between spouses. However, domestic violence is a broad term and takes various forms. In fact, it does not always involve bodily harm. Let's talk about different forms of domestic violence charges:

Physical Domestic Violence

Physical domestic violence occurs when violent physical behavior such as hitting, intimidation, and threats are used. It also includes preventing a significant other from receiving proper medical treatment.

Sexual Domestic Violence

Sexual domestic violence occurs when one party uses force or verbal coercion to force the other party to engage in sexual activity. It also refers to unwanted sexual comments and advances.

Emotional Domestic Violence

Emotional domestic violence or psychological abuse occurs when one party inflicts psychological suffering on the victim. Stalking, sustained harsh criticism, and public humiliation also falls into this category.

Economic Domestic Violence

Economic domestic violence happens when the abuser prevents the victim from accessing money or working.

Domestic Violence Charges in California are Costly

Domestic violence is among the most serious charges in California, even if you don't have any prior criminal history. Usually, the bail amount for domestic violence tends to be more expensive than that of abusing a stranger. It is vital to understand that domestic violence charges can be filed against any party in a relationship. This means that you can be arrested for domestic violence even if you are not married at the time of the arrest. For instance, you can file a domestic violence charge against an ex, co-parent, lover, or a close relative.

How to Post Bail For a Domestic Violence Offense

In almost all cases, the police make at least one arrest when they are called to respond to a domestic violence incident. Sometimes they can even end up arresting both spouses. Even if the victim declines to file charges, the public prosecutor can do so if there is enough evidence that domestic violence happened. After that, you will have the chance to post bail immediately or wait for your court date to find out if the judge will discharge you on your recognizance. If you choose the latter option, you will have to remain in jail for at least three days for your trial.

Unfortunately, weekends and holidays are not official court days. That means you will spend five days in jail if the police arrest you on a Friday evening. That's why paying bail is advisable to secure your release from jail as quickly as possible. Once you secure your release, you can go back to your daily activities as you let your lawyer fight for you.

How Much is Bail for a Domestic Violence Offense in California?

The bail bond process in California starts when an arrest is made. Once the police arrest you, they will place you in police custody for booking. They will record your fingerprints, collect your personal information, and take your mugshot. They will also likely interrogate you about the alleged crime at this stage. After that, they will place you on a 48-hour hold so that you don't retaliate against your spouse for reporting the crime. The judge can choose to wait the entire 48 hours if you have a prior criminal history.

The judge will then set bail depending on the bail schedule and the nature of the crime. Serious forms of domestic violence tend to attract higher penalties.

Different Types of Domestic Violence Charges

As mentioned earlier, the judge will consider the nature of the crime when setting the bail amount for domestic violence charges. Let's discuss the different types of domestic violence charges in detail below.


A misdemeanor is a simple form of domestic violence. In most cases, this kind of offense does not result in bodily harm. If you are arrested for a misdemeanor domestic violence charge, you risk spending up to 150 days in county jail. You might also have to complete community service and an anger management program. The court might also ask you to compensate the victim. Additionally, the judge can issue a restraining order if the abuser posts bail. The court might also ask you to surrender all your firearms.


Felony charges usually refer to more serious offenses such as rape, sexual abuse, and assault that result in serious bodily injury. Felony charges are punishable by life in prison and usually end up in jail time.

How to Pay the Bail Amount for Domestic Violence?

You have two options if you need to pay the bail amount for domestic violence. You can decide to pay the entire bail amount in cash or use a bail bond agent. Working with a local bail bond agent is the best option if you don't have money to pay the entire bail amount. On top of that, bail bond agents will handle the whole process for you. If you decide to use a local bail bonds company, you must pay a percentage of the total bail amount.

What Happens After You Post Bail?

After the police arrest you for a domestic violence offense, it is advisable to minimize communication and contact with the victim. If you need to get your items from your residence, you can request the police to accompany you.

Get Help Dealing With Your Domestic Violence Case Today

Dealing with a domestic violence case alone can be frustrating and tedious. Luckily, you can work with a reliable bail bonds company to secure your release from jail in minutes. This way, you can return to your everyday life and let your lawyer create a strong defense strategy to fight the charges. As the premier domestic violence bail bonds company in California, Golden Boy Bail Bonds is ready to help you obtain your freedom. Talk to our experienced bail bond agents today to learn more.