Bail Bonds For Hit and Run

Picture this; you are driving down the road lost in thought or distracted by your phone. Suddenly, you hear a loud thud and look in your rearview mirror to discover you’ve hit a car. You panic and drive away, hoping no one sees you. But before you know it, the police pull you over and arrest you for hit-and-run.

Being arrested for a hit-and-run in California can be a terrifying experience. It is even more difficult if it’s your first time dealing with the legal system. One of your primary concerns is securing your release from jail as soon as possible. That’s where bail bonds come in. Posting bail will help you to get out of jail while awaiting trial.

In this comprehensive guide, our bail bond agents will explain how bail bonds work for hit-and-run cases.

What is a Hit and Run?

Did you know that approximately one in four pedestrians killed in traffic crashes in California was struck by a hit-and-run driver? A hit-and-run offense occurs when a driver causes an accident with another vehicle or pedestrians and drives away without providing their contact and insurance information to the police and the victim.

Committing a hit-and-run carries serious consequences, such as license suspension or revocation, fines, and even jail time. Moreover, it can result in severe injury or even death to the victim.

What are the Legal Consequences of Hit and Run in California?

A victim of hit-and-run lying on the road

Hit-and-run accidents carry serious legal consequences. Here in California, hit-and-run offenses are categorized into two; misdemeanors and felonies. A hit-and-run is regarded as a misdemeanor if it only involves property damage. If you are charged with a misdemeanor hit-and-run, you will face various consequences, including up to six months in jail. You may also get a hefty fine of up to $1,000. Moreover, you will have to compensate the victim for any damages.

On the other hand, the hit-and-run is considered a felony offense if it involves serious injury or death to the victim. That means it carries more severe penalties, including up to four years in state prison, restitution to the victim or their family, and a fine of up to $10,000.

Regardless of the type of hit-and-run offense you commit, you will also face additional consequences such as a criminal record, difficulty finding employment in the future, and loss of driving privileges. Moreover, you will also get increased insurance rates in the future.

What Should You Do After a Hit and Run?

A hit-and-run arrest is a serious offense with significant consequences. That’s why it is crucial to take the following steps to protect yourself and comply with the law.

  • Stop your vehicle immediately, regardless of who was at fault.

  • Check yourself or anyone else on the scene for injuries.

  • Call emergency services immediately if anyone is hurt.

  • Contact the police even if there are no injuries.

  • Make sure the police create a report when they come to the scene.

  • Exchange contact insurance information with the other driver or person involved in the accident.

  • Take photos of the accident scene to provide evidence in case of a legal dispute.

  • Get in touch with your insurance company to report the accident as soon as possible.

  • If facing charges for a hit-and-run, seek assistance from a licensed criminal defense attorney and post bail to secure your release from jail.

How Does Bail Bond Work for a Hit and Run Offense?

Creating a solid defense strategy is essential after a hit-and-run arrest. That can only happen if you are not behind bars. That’s where bail bonds come in. Posting bail will help you get out of jail quickly to return to your everyday life and create a strong defense strategy. Simply put, bail is a specific amount of money you must pay the court to secure your release from jail as you await trial. It is an assurance to the court that you will attend your court dates.

In some cases, the judge may release you on your recognizance. This means you are not required to post bail to get out of jail. Instead, the court will release you based on your promise to attend all court dates. Unfortunately, this is rare in hit-and-run cases.

An order for release of prisoner form and handcuffs

You can contact a licensed bail bond company if you don’t have money to post bail. These companies will send a licensed bail bond agent to pay the full bail amount to the court. In exchange, you must pay the bail bond agent a non-refundable fee. Let’s say the court sets the bail amount at $10,000. In such a case, you must pay the bail bond agent a percentage of the bail amount, usually 10%, to obtain a bail bond. Your bail bond agent will then pay the entire amount to the court, and you will be released from jail. If you appear on all your court dates, the court will return the total amount to the bail bond agents.

If you don’t show up in court as required, the bail bond agent will be forced to pay the court the entire bail amount. When that happens, the bail bond agents may pursue you for reimbursement.

What is the Bail Amount For a Hit and Run?

Bail amounts for hit-and-run offenses vary by state. For example, bail amounts for hit-and-run charges here in California vary depending on your criminal history and the severity of the crime. For misdemeanor hit-and-run charges, the bail amount is typically set at $1,000. However, the amount may be higher if you have a criminal history. When it comes to felony hit-and-run charges involving death or severe injury, the bail amount will be much higher.

The judge will look at the seriousness of the injuries and your criminal history to set bail for felony hit-and-run charges. For example, you might be required to pay more than $50,000 if the victim suffered serious injuries. If the victim dies from the hit-and-run, the bail amount can be $100,000 or more. It’s essential to point out that bail amounts are not cast in stone. Moreover, you can negotiate the amounts in court. An experienced criminal defense attorney can help persuade the court to set a lower bail amount. If you cannot post bail, you will be jailed until your trial. That’s why working with a licensed bail bond agent is recommended.

Why Use a Bail Bond Company For a Hit and Run Arrest?

An old bail bond office

Working with a bail bond company can provide several benefits if you have been arrested for a hit-and-run. For starters, it allows you to secure your release from jail without paying the total amount in cash. This can be especially helpful if you don’t have the funds to post the bail on your own or if the amount is very high.

Let’s uncover the benefits of using a bail bond company for a hit-and-run arrest in detail below:

✅Access to Funds

As mentioned earlier, you will end up in jail awaiting trial if you fail to post the entire bail amount. That means spending time away from your loved ones. But it does not always have to be this way. Working with licensed bail bond agents can give you access to the funds you need to pay the entire bail amount. You only have to pay the bail bond company a certain percentage of the total bail amount in exchange for your freedom.

✅Quick Release

Another significant benefit of working with a licensed bail bond company is quickly securing your release from jail. In fact, you may get out of the jail facility within a few hours of posting the bail bond. That means you can return home and continue working. Above all, you will be able to prepare a robust legal defense.

✅Expert Guidance

Moreover, working with a licensed bail bond company gives you access to expert guidance. These companies work with experienced bail bond agents ready to provide expert and valuable advice and support to you throughout the bail process. They can even help you understand your legal rights and obligations. Above all, they will help you comply with all court orders and conditions of your release.

✅Protect Your Assets

Working with a bail bond agent also allows you to protect your assets. This is because you don’t have to sell or liquidate your property and assets to post bail. Moreover, you don’t have to use your assets as collateral.

Work With Experienced and Reliable Bail Bond Agents to Post Bail for a Hit and Run Arrest

If you have been arrested for a hit-and-run offense, you don’t have to be locked up in custody awaiting trial. Just turn to one of our licensed bail bond agents today to secure your release. Our agents provide 24/7 availability, affordable rates, fast service, and personalized services to help you get back to your loved ones quickly.

Contact Golden Boy Bail Bonds today to get cheap bail bonds San Diego.